

                  Associate Professor of Physics
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                  Department of Physics and Astronomy
                  447 Nicholson Hall, Tower Drive
                  Center for Computation and Technology
                  2156 Louisiana Digital Media Center
                  Louisiana State University
                  Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA 70803-4001
                  Phone: 225-578-4323


                  Author of the text “From Classical to Quantum Shannon Theory” published by Cambridge University Press as “Quantum Information Theory (Second Edition)”

                  This book has been used in graduate courses on quantum information theory at Caltech (interesting picture), University of Cambridge, McGill University, University of Southern California, University of Bristol, University of California, Davis, University of Washington, Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Louisiana State University

                  The latest version of the book is available here.

                  Curriculum Vitae

                  arXiv Author Identifier

                  Profile on Google Scholar


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                  Last modified: July 06, 2024.

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